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Justin Pearson

My face

About me


Since 2018, I’ve worked as a Senior Software Engineer and Software Engineering Manager at AppFolio Link to AppFolio, which makes web-based real-estate accounting software. I currently manage software engineers on two cross-functional product development teams, and I’m responsible for keeping them happy, motivated, and productive. What makes AppFolio special? See here: AppFolio.

From 2008 to 2012, I programmed autonomous airplanes at AeroVironment Link to AeroVironment. I designed and implemented control algorithms for the Global Observer aircraft: a giant high-altitude long-endurance prototype spyplane powered by liquid hydrogen. I deployed to Edwards Air Force Base for the aircraft’s 15-month flight-test campaign. Afterward Link to Plane Crash, I transferred to AeroVironment’s Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems division, where I programmed guidance and navigation algorithms for hand-launched short-range military reconnaissance drones. See a summary of the Global Observer program here: AeroVironment.


I studied mechanical engineering at the University of California at Santa Barbara (B.S. 2001–2006), control systems at Stanford University (M.S. 2006–2007), and resource-constrained control theory at UCSB (Ph.D. 2012–2017). More details here: Résumé.

From 2012 to 2017, I earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering under Professor João Hespanha Joao's Homepage in the Center for Control, Dynamical Systems and Computation CCDC Homepage. My research focused on bandwidth-limited control theory and the design of controllers that are resistant to operating-system preemption. You can watch my recorded Ph.D. defense and other research videos here: Research.


I’m passionate about teaching and communicating clearly.

In grad school, I earned UCSB’s Certificate in College and University Teaching CCUT Homepage, a certificate program for teaching-oriented graduate students. This required studying pedagogy, designing and running educational outreach programs, and planning and teaching a course as Instructor of Record. You can view my CCUT Portfolio website and watch my video about it here: Teaching.

AppFolio has teaching and mentoring opportunities as well: I’ve mentored interns, helped organize our new-hire onboarding program, and taught multiple workshops from our “Engineering Academy” — a set of 50 one-hour hands-on learning sessions, taught at various cadences, that get employees up to speed on our technology stack and our culture. Read my intern Ciarra’s testamonial here: AppFolio.