three-barsCreated with Sketch.

Justin Pearson

My face

Chord Progression Project


Many popular songs use the [Em,C,G,D] chord progression (or a transposition of it). In this video we plot these songs with tempo on the x-axis and pitch on the y-axis, and use this plot as a way to visualize song mashups.

Examples of [Em,C,G,D] songs

A tour of several songs that use the same chord progression.

Mashup - "I Hope You Build a Mystery"

Mashup - "In Another Side"

Mashup - "Life's Lost Apologies"

Mashup - "Save Tonight Whenever"

Mashup - "Hammerhead Hell"

Mashup - "Jack Sparrow Just Had Sex"

Mashup - "Hero on the Bridge of Khazad Dum"